Making Friends in Scotland!

Making Friends in Scotland!

If you missed my first installment, I tell the story of how I came to meet Susie and became the start of her Duckumentary entitled “The Adventures of Ducky McDuckface!” Be sure to check it out!

In hindsight, it really was no surprise to anyone that Susie and I quickly became inseparable! I had been stuck in that hotel shower so long that I was beginning to feel a bit “down,”  so once I got a chance to join Susie on her adventure I really started to spread my wings and let my feathers down a bit more with each passing day!

As I got to know more and more of the group, it wasn’t long before I was the center of attention… the life of the party! Everyone wanted to be friends with Ducky! I still remember how hard everyone tried to make me feel comfortable by making duck lips in their photos. Scott, Alana and Kate all seemed to do pretty well on their own, but Morgan and Susie both cheated by using Pringles! Besides the photographers, I also made friends with the bus driver, a big black dog, and the cutest little hairy coo out in the meadow one afternoon!

More adventures of Ducky to come!  Stay tuned!


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